People often search for diets that really work, when they want to lose a few pounds. Weight loss is actually desired by the health conscious and figure conscious people. Obeso also want desperately to lose weight. Losing weight by following a proper diet and exercise program is considered as a great success, but unexplained weight loss, weight loss without even trying for it, is indeed a matter of deep concern. Such weight loss can be a symptom of a number of serious diseases.
A temporary weight loss or minimal, while trying not, is fine and for some people, may be pleasantly surprised. Body weight depends on genetic factors, your calorie intake, general health, physical activity, age, absorption of nutrients, lifestyle, etc. Once they reach middle age, the weight is relatively stable from year to year. A decrease of a few pounds should not be a cause for concern. However, if you experience an unplanned weight loss of about 10 pounds (4.5 kg) or more, or if you suddenly lose 5 percent of their body weight, or weight loss continues, it could be some serious underlying cause behind it. Discovering the cause is important because treatment can be started earlier.
Causes of unexplained weight loss
- Excessive consumption of snuff
- Alcohol abuse
- diarrhea
- Laxative abuse
- dementia
- dehydration
- depression
- diabetes
- malnutrition
- Tooth loss
- Mouth sores
- Parkinson's disease
- hyperthyroidism
- tuberculosis
- Alzheimer
- career
- cancer
- infections
- Metabolic disorders
- Side effects of drugs
- Eating disorders such as bulimia nervosa (binging and purging) and anorexia nervosa (fear of eating)
Thus, temporary disorders or serious health risks can lead to significant weight loss. Therefore, you should consult a doctor immediately instead of being happy about losing the extra kilos without exercise and without giving up your favorite foods.
In women
Anorexia nervosa is very common among teenagers. Unwanted weight loss in women can be attributed to mental health problems such as stress and anxiety. Apart from this, the depression may result in a sudden loss of weight. It can reduce appetite and can lead to digestive problems. The hormonal imbalance, excessive consumption of alcohol and drugs, excessive snuff, several types of cancer, hyperthyroidism are other common causes of unexplained weight loss in women.
In men
Drug abuse or alcohol abuse, excessive use of snuff, liver cirrhosis and several types of cancer, dementia, depression, diabetes, stroke, Alzheimer's disease are some of the most common causes of weight loss premeditated men. Actually, all the causes mentioned above are applicable to all men and women. For example, ulcers of HIV / AIDS or mouth or tooth loss, etc.In Children
Children suffering from diarrhea, infections, malnutrition, dehydration, tuberculosis, etc., lose weight fast. Type I diabetes is common in young children, teenagers and adults under 30 years of age, occurs when the body can not produce enough insulin to promote glucose uptake into cells. With the help of glucose, the body can function properly, as it gives your body the energy it needs to function. When the body does not get enough energy, weight loss is likely to occur, along with some other symptoms such as fatigue, dizziness, etc.Weight loss and general fatigue, go together. Age is also an important factor that is associated with rapid, unexplained loss of weight. The treatment can vary depending on the underlying cause of weight loss. Only a doctor can determine the root cause of the problem. He will ask about other symptoms that accompany it, and may order some tests. Until then, a balanced diet, regular exercise and adequate rest can help solve the problem.